Radiation magic mtg token. Printed on eco friendly retro paper stock. Fits perfectly in any standard magic sleeve.
Travel back to your childhood with this retro token collection that seeks to mimic how early dnd and fantasy games looked. Enjoy the weirdness of fantasy art before everything became digital and overpolished.
Alfies Adventure is a large collection of tokens, containg over 180 individual token types. This collection is perfect for anyone who wants all their tokens in one consistent style. The collection can also be bought as a bundle that contains 180 token types, two of each for a total of 180 dual printed cards. Seach for "Giant EDH Token Bundle 180 cards - Alfie's Adventure" or look at the front page of the store.
-- About the Paper Stock
These tokens are printed on Eco Herbage paper stock. Herbage paper is a more sustainable form of paper and is made from herbaceous plants such as grass and leafy parts of plants used for pasturage. Natural brown tint color with visible fibres which adds a touch of naturalness and earth feel to your cards.